When you start looking for a new job, one person is getting a nasty surprise: Your current employer, or you.
If you didn’t leave the company on your own terms, plunging back into the job market can be tough. When it happened to me, I soon realized the path to getting hired was totally new. Everyone used this thing called the internet!
As an executive, there was a worry that I’d have to take a step back in my role – in salary and position.
But now I know a secret or two about executives.
Their experience is their unfair advantage.
Think about it. People with executive backgrounds know how to be part of the team that runs multi-billion dollar corporations. So that knowledge directly translates to running your OWN multi-million dollar business.
But you don’t even have to start your own business: you can put your skills to use by starting a franchise.
Why compete for other jobs when franchises have a faster ramp-up time and are a much smaller risk than starting your own business from scratch?
So take control of your situation. If you’re frustrated with your job or looking for radical change, let’s talk.