You wake up on Monday and after 20 years of getting up, dressed, reading the paper, kissing the wife goodbye and heading off to work you are faced with no place to go. You are out of work due to corporate downsizing. Now what you ask yourself? What is going to be my next step?
You go down to the traditional path which looks like this…
1st month – Shock and awe. You can’t believe what just happened!
2nd month – You exhaust all your colleague and friends who said they want to help you but can’t do much at this time.
3rd month – hit the internet hard. Linked-in, Facebook, Indeed, Monster, Career builders. You find yourself floating in cyberspace.
4th month – Internet and networking become your routine. The good news is that you have time to get those projects done around the house you have been waiting for.
5th month – More of the same. You are getting good at this.
6th to 9th month – You start to research other options. Starting your own business, buying a business or buying an existing franchise. Oh, I forgot to play the lottery!
10th-month on…. You are now knee deep in your journey sorting out the various options. Your internet becomes your friend in the middle of the night. Opportunities are overwhelming.
Rich LeBrun would like to shorten up this journey for you. He is an expert at helping his clients go through the process of discovering what are the best options for them. Rich has over 3,000 opportunities that are available to you.