A book, and my love of ice cream, just changed my life completely. How?
For starters, my family is obsessed with ice cream. On some days, one scoop could easily turn to 5, whether it’s a sunny day or freezing cold.
Then recently, I picked up a book called “Satisfied” by Jeff Manion. As luck would have it, my beloved ice cream made an appearance!
The book asks you to imagine you’re all alone, and have one scoop of ice cream. You could well be content. But as soon as another person sits next to you with two scoops of ice cream, you immediately start to compare yours to theirs.
This goes far deeper than dessert. This is losing sight of our contentment. Jealousy, insecurity, deception, and doubt start to creep in. Why do I have less? Why shouldn’t I have three scoops?
We look at our one scoop now with contempt. What once brought us joy is now a symbol of envy.
So instead, let’s cultivate contentment, and be thankful for what we have.
One scoop is all we ever needed, we just forgot.
Now when I have my ice cream, I see it as a great reminder of a wonderful life lesson.
But being honest with you, I often need reminding to be content, as my love of ice cream has got the better of me on more than one occasion!
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