Did I get your attention? What would you do if someone would pay you to fail?
Do you realize that every day when we are going to work we are being paid to fail? The problem is nobody told you. Without failure, there is no success. Look in the wastebasket under your desk at all the crumpled-up paper representing how many times you tried to do something but had to start over to get it right. Your continued attempts and failure eventually brought you to the success you were looking for to complete your task.
So what is the problem? It lies with how we perceive failure. The company GoogleX is paid billions of dollars to “FAIL”. Yes “FAIL”!!! You see they are charged with solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. Ones there has yet to be a solution for. Their only chance of achieving their goals is to fail until they succeed. So, in their company, they applaud and promote and compensate those who fail the most.
Think about the next time your boss comes in and says “here is a bonus today for failing!” Would you want to fail more? Sure you would!!
People are stuck today in jobs they hate. They are afraid to venture out for fear of failure. What if I pay you one million dollars to fail until you succeed? Would you leave your job and venture out with a new outlook?
I wish I had the money to pay you but I think you get my point!!
We live in a country where there are endless opportunities. In the franchise industry, there are over 3,000 franchises to choose from. Call us at 224-678-9212 or email at rich@thefranchiseconsultingcompany.com and let our team help you FAIL: Who knows? If you succeed big enough, you can pay us the one million dollars!!