Did you ever answer a “help wanted” ad in your local newspaper or market? Back then, you saw the ad, wrote a letter to the person, then called to set up an interview. Imagine if getting work were that easy today – LinkedIn might struggle to get candidates through the door!
But the fact is, it isn’t. Alongside LinkedIn we have Facebook, Indeed and Monster to name a few. Have these platforms helped job seekers? Or has this added more confusion?
As a job seeker myself, I’ve seen the confused looks of my unemployed friends, each trying to help one another navigate this new hiring maze.
What could be done with one phone call now takes competing against hundreds of other applications. The hiring process has become a taller mountain to climb.
But let’s suppose you don’t want to fight that fight. There is another way. You have 3 options: Start a business, buy a business, or start a franchise.
All of them could provide you with the opportunity to reinvent yourself and make a radical change.
But I’m curious to know, what have you done in the past when you find yourself out of work? Have you started your own business, or gone straight to another company?