Start with why.
Why move forward in a specific direction? What is in it for you?
I knew that if I did not love what I was doing, it would fail. Helping people invest in franchises gives me a sense of purpose. I make a good living by supporting folks in getting back on their feet to create bright financial futures.
When I was laid off from my job, I was stuck on, “How do I create a good income?” for months. I tried everything I could to recreate my position or even take half of my former income.
I was consistently disappointed. My focus was on the wrong outcome. But here’s what I learned:
Instead of framing your next career move on, “How do I make more money?” or “What will I do?”, think about what ignites your passion.
Yes, we all know the tired sayings of “Do what you love,” and “Follow your passion.” But maybe these are said so much because they are true.
Figure out why you do what you do, and your commitment will not let you down.
#ExecutivesInTransition #StartWithWhy #Passion