Al Siamon is 92 years of age and owns over 24 patents. The latest product he has developed is called Balance7 with a pH of 11+ that dilutes the acid in your body when ingested. It unlocks the immune system. Nearly every disease known to man is associated with acidosis in the body.
Al has seen true miracles occur over the last 14 years, including his own. Al had a triple bypass when he was 83 years and stage 4 cancer at 89 years. After 5 chemo treatments, he had complete remission. Three months later, he was attacked by three viruses–Covid and two other viruses and was put in intensive care with a heart rate ranging from 50 to 180 beats per minute.
“The attending physician Dr. Nooristani did not think I would make it. My wife brought me my Balance7, and after three days of drinking it, I was sent home on the fourth day because I felt fine. Dr. Nooristani was so amazed by the results, he became my partner. I have sold more than 6 million bottles in Africa and the testimonies are quite remarkable. People who used to go to the hospital with Malaria 5-6 times per year have not gone to the hospital in the last 8 or 9 years. I believe that the immune system has cured the body of Malaria and they cannot get the disease again.
I’d like to give you a little history of my life. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit, even after my mother was told that I was unteachable at 12 years old and I was placed in a special school for the mentally disabled. After running away from home and surviving on 2 cent deposit from soda bottles, I bought a bus and converted it into a grocery bus, and went to the outlying areas where there were no markets. Eventually, the company I was working for went bankrupt. In the next 6 months, I had 23 jobs, including working as a foreman. I quit my job as a foreman and opened a machine shop. As time went on, I got a contract from Dashu business to make a Bank of America credit card machine. Other companies tried, but it had to be under $15.00 per unit. I brought it in at $13.00 and I got a $25,000.00 check. I sold the business and went into playing cards for a living. I did very well and continued on for 12 years.
As I got older, I decided that playing cards had come to an end. When my brother Lee was losing a lot of money in his business. I started a business with him. There was a place in Santa Barbara that was renting mopeds and skates. I noticed a for rent sign on a store–it had t-shirts and a press in there. I negotiated a deal for 5 years, at $300.00 a month with the anticipation of opening by July 4th. Initially, after purchasing 8 mopeds at $800.00 each and 100 pairs of skates, we did a grand total of $20.00 selling just two t-shirts. Things turned around quickly and we had done more than $3,000.00 in mopeds and $5,000.00 in t-shirts, with a total cost of less than $2,000.00. I bought another t-shirt shop for $1,500 in San Luis Obispo and eventually sold the business for a quarter of a million dollars.
In 2005, I started a company called Siamons Int. I had 4 investors, and I maintained 51% of the company. I wanted to go into Home Depot I found a man who used to sell to Home Depot and Lowes. It’s really hard to get to see a buyer from these companies, it takes a long time. Within 6 weeks we had a trial in 50 stores. It was a completely new category. It started to sell, you could buy bleach for $1.99, but the mold came back in three weeks or less. Within 6 months we were in every Home Depot and started in with Lowes as well. Then Ace Hardware and True Value came on. I believe the eventual number was approximately 30,000 stores.
In recent years, I started a company called Balance7 and I built a modernized manufacturing plant. The doctors in Africa say it’s the greatest medical breakthrough in the last hundred years. It releases the immune system to fight for people’s lives like no other medication can do for them. Since I started this company, I have never drawn a paycheck, but I have put in a couple of million dollars.” –Al Siamon
A sneak peek of the things you'll learn:
- Al Siamon tells us about his business and what lead him to start his own business
- What were some of the mental hurdles or maybe fears he had to overcome to get started
- What was the ultimate tipping point that made him decide to go all in and bet on himself
- What key decisions he made that had the biggest impact to his success
- What quotes/advice/practices has helped him most to motivate him to keep moving forward
- What is he learning right now as a “life-long learner”
- What would be some advice he would like to share with our listeners who are on the fence considering owning their own business
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